_ 1. Our growth ambition
External resources were essential to achieving our ambitions. Over the past years, we’ve primarily, if not solely, invested in the app. Think of the many new features you’ve received, from adjusting training conditions to strength training. As a small business, recurring revenues aren’t enough to take significant leaps forward; external resources were necessary. We found these in the form of loans from LRM and KBC, along with a SME growth subsidy of €50,000 from VLAIO. Our goal is to grow to 125,000 users in the next 12 to 14 months – currently, we’re just above 60,000.
In short: we want to see our colors in every major European city marathon. By this, we mean that we believe we have the right tools to prepare runners for their ultimate challenges. Internationalization is one of the major hurdles within our growth ambition.
_ 2. The right timing
Timing proves to be pivotal. Despite the somewhat challenging macroeconomic landscape, our strong performance figures (which we owe to you!) allowed us to convince our financial partners. Their belief in our project holds substantial significance. While our community was already well aware of our impact, this step marks the first genuine external validation of Trenara ànd our approach.
Throughout 2023, we accomplished several significant milestones:
Our organic growth doubled.
We converted more users to subscribers.
We managed to mitigate the seasonal effect (where subscriptions were taken, for instance, during marathon preparations but followed by subscription-free periods).
In essence, it was now or never: sustaining the app as a mere hobby project was unsustainable in light of our recent expansion.
_ 3. Want to know the whole story? Check the video.
This marks a monumental leap forward, a feat made possible by all of you in our community. In light of this, Christophe took the time to deliver a comprehensive update to those interested, through the video below – we’ve added English subtitles.
What does this investment signify for us and for you?
Christophe brings you up to date with all what has happened these past few months/years and what it means for our future.