Troops, that’s our first ‘social feature’ in the app. Exciting, and above all, fun, because humans are inherently social beings! Thanks to Troops, you can train together, as a group, towards a goal.
_ Troops
If you have Peak Pro, you can create a Troop as a captain and invite others to join. Ideal for training groups, clubs, or companies. As a captain, your goal becomes the group’s goal. Members of the troop (who at least have a Peak account) follow the same training plan towards that goal, with the possibility of having the same intermediate goals. The paces for the long runs are defined by the captain’s plan, while interval and tempo workouts are entirely individualized. This way, you can train together but still at your own level. And thus, make progress together.
The introduction of Troops also brings two new ‘public’ screens with it. In the first screen, you’ll find an overview of your team and the goal/goals. The second screen is a timeline with additional group-level stats. On the timeline, you can see who in the group has trained and give them kudos. You can be a member of multiple Troops, but logically, you can only follow one schedule at a time. A third screen is that of the captain, where they can customize the image, as well as the Troop name and status.

We are extremely proud of this addition. There is a lot of logic behind it, as Trenara has been a very individual affair until now. Of course, we have received many requests from you for this type of feature. From couples to groups of friends or running teams, you’ve been waiting for this for a while. What’s more, this development has been on our wishlist since the fall of 2019 and has finally become a reality! And the name Troops, well, you chose it yourselves – another reason to join our Trenara Community on Facebook.