User story

User story

Rens Colson

Rens Colson

"Believe in yourself, use Trenara effectively, trust the process, and set clear goals."

"Believe in yourself, use Trenara effectively, trust the process, and set clear goals."

Loves customization



I started running a few years ago but inconsistently, with periods of high activity followed by months off. In June 2023, I committed to regular running to achieve weight loss goals, starting at 116 kg. Gradually, I developed a genuine passion for running, especially after completing the 4 miles of Aalst in July 2023 and swiftly signing up for the 10 km at the Brussels Marathon on October 1, 2023. This marked a turning point as I lost weight and found immense joy in running, pushing my limits.

I discovered Trenara through social media (Facebook and their Trenara Community) and fully embraced it after running the 8 km at the Antwerp Marathon in October 2023. Opting for Peak Pro was essential due to my irregular work hours as a police inspector. It's such an easy and handy feature that I can just change my training dates to when it's workable for me.

My initial aim with Trenara was the Gent Half Marathon on March 24, 2024, which I completed with great satisfaction in 01:47:55, exceeding Trenara's prediction of 01:53:57. Currently recovering, I'm training for the Antwerp 10 Miles and gearing up for my major goal of 2024: running my first full marathon in Brussels on November 3, targeting sub 3:40. It will be challenging because of its demanding course, but I'm confident. This year, I also aim to run the Brussels 20 km and possibly the Bruges Half Marathon in October. However, my primary focus remains on the Brussels Marathon.

I find Trenara's training plans manageable, although interval sessions can be challenging. But they make me better, so I happily execute them.

Beyond 2024, I have my mind set on setting a personal best at the Rotterdam Marathon and hope to one day participate in a major marathon like New York.

For fellow runners, especially beginners, my advice is simple: believe in yourself, use Trenara effectively, trust the process, and set clear goals. Podcasts like "The Running Crew" are also great companions for long training sessions.

PS: Keep an eye out for me at upcoming races in my Trenara shirt :)